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Become a Practitioner 

Training for Healing Practitioners 
•    Activate toroidal energetic circuits within body
•    Activate magnetic crystals in crown (temples, forehead, back of head and top of head) & circulate galactic crystalline gold around ‘temple’/ pyramid with wings 
•    Activate magnetic crystals in heart (armpits, front and back of chest) with wings 
•    Activate magnetic crystals in sacral with wings 
•    Activate magnetic crystals in entire body with wings 
•    Align three pyramids and three top magnetic crystals     
•    Wings activated 
•    Rainbow body activated 
•    Clearing inorganic collective projections & timelines 
•    Release subliminal programming in biofield 
•    Activate Crystalline Diamond Heart (crystalline flame in heart) 
•    Activate Aurora Flame – Red, light pink, white, emerald green, pale violet blue
o    Purge stellar karma, crystallising consciousness, readjusting frequencies of light codes, assimilating galactic frequencies through connecting with stellar portals 
•    Activate crystalline fire – (electricity DNA) & Crystalline water (means of energy conduction & energy channels/ centres 
•    Connect with frequency of Truth – two points under ears, kundalini to crown tube 
•    Activate stellated icosio-dodecahedron – open up light portals, perfecting sacred geometry of DNA blueprint, divine feminine in sacred geometry (water and ether), 
•    Activate 6-element purification and activation 
o    Sword – cutting cords, drawing arc, circulating energy flow at Earth portals, human portals 
o    Chalice – pouring water purifying galactic, planetary and human portals, purify sexual energy, retrieve lost soul fragments, resume divine soul blueprint, redirect energetic circuit 
o    Egg – manifestation, timeline manifestation, creating, ascending and anchoring new soul contracts, birthing new stellar soul walk-ins 
o    Golden fire – solarise, solidify soul essence, disintegrate undivine contracts, etheric fire in the heart 
o    Crystalline Fire (Ice-fire) – ice-fire flame purifying DNA blueprint, freeze/preserve DNA blueprint for transmission, also activating throat expression & manifestation 
o    Crystalline Water ‘spheres’ – purifying crystalline fluids, rejuvenating DNA & retrieve lost DNA, directing & activating toroidal energy flow
•    Retune Truth Resonance Frequency
•    Heart-pineal field unification 
•    Harmonise bipolar frequencies 
•    Same for 2 hemispheres of the brain, heart chambers, temples, ears, eyes, nostrils, armpits, wings, knees, feet
•    Activate 2 palms – stars on each palm, drawing figure of 8, pouring light codes between both hands. 
•    Activate the palms to activate light portals and using magnetism to enhance healing 
•    Activate ability to create holographic geometry as portals around toroidal field – creating frequency resonance to light portals – activate holographic geometry as portals around toroidal field 
•    Resume divine spinning of atoms and energy channels, portals, meridian points and chakras 
•    Divine energy flow of channels 
•    Central channel purified and activated 
•    Seated on multi-coloured lotus – energy recuperation and rejuvenation 
•    Ascend DNA blueprint to the most optimal timeline & frequency (to the golden timeline) 
•    Portal ‘animals’ and ‘tools’ 
•    Activate stargates & stargate circuits by circulating crystalline light codes and toroidal energy 

What you can do 
•    Remote viewing and sending healing through directing toroidal energy & focused intent 
•    Enhanced psychic and super-sensorial perception  
•    Ability to detect where to work on and direct light rays & toroidal energy 
•    Connect with crystalline light codes and transmit light codes between portals and humans 
•    Ability to ascend timelines 
•    Ability to ascend soul contracts (including voiding undivine, unserving and subconscious contracts) 
•    Attract better circumstances for your highest good 
•    Starseed awakening 
•    Conduct interdimensional and multidimensional healing for others, including spaces 
•    Collective healing for planetary and galactic portals (see Collective Healing below) 

Manual for Practitioners 
1.    Prior session: 
•    Use the checklist 
•    Check with clients their intentions 
•    Do an energy reading or see if any information, bodily sensation comes through regarding the session 
2.    Opening: 
•    Figure of 8 from luz bone to heart to base of spine – Circulate toroidal energy within DNA portals (electricity)
•    Activate the geometric portal around the toroidal field (magnetism)
3.    Healing Process (Suggested areas): 
•    Circulation of toroidal energy between energy centres and points 
•    Healing using 5 elements 
•    Clearing: clearing undivine timelines, soul contracts, clearing karmic debts 
•    Interplanetary & Portal Work: opening light Portals on Earth & Connect with Galaxy, travelling from Quantum Human DNA portals to Stellar Portal 
•    Activation: ascending timelines, ascending soul contracts, activating new stellar soul walk-ins, crystalline light codes circulation & transmission
•    Truth Frequency Resonance & Truth Frequency Retuning with situations, people, places 
•    Any of the items mentioned under personal level, stellar level, stellar activation & DNA activation, planetary & galactic level  
4.    Activation (Optional): 
•    Aurora Flame – Red, light pink, white, emerald green, pale violet blue 
•    Activate the Magnetic Crystals around pyramids in crown & heart & entire body with Wings
•    Stargate Activation – etheric gold sauna, DNA light codes from stellar origins and omega stargate – receiving light codes 
•    Stellated Icosidodecahedron 
•    Portal ‘animals’ and ‘tools’ 
5.    Closing: Same as opening 

  • Manual for Practitioners

  • Opening:

  • (optional) Use the checklist for the client (in separate document)

  • Figure of 8 from luz bone to heart to base of spine

  • Activation (Optional):

  • Aurora Flame – Red, light pink, white, emerald green, pale violet blue

  • Activate the Magnetic Crystals around pyramids in crown & heart & entire body with Wings

  • Stargate Activation – etheric gold sauna, DNA light codes from stellar origins and omega stargate – receiving light codes

  • Stellated Icosidodecahedron

  • Portal ‘animals’ and ‘tools’

  • Healing Process (Suggested areas):

  • Circulation of toroidal energy between energy centres and points

  • Healing using 5 elements

  • Clearing: clearing undivine timelines, soul contracts, clearing karmic debts

  • Interplanetary & Portal Work: opening light Portals on Earth & Connect with Galaxy, travelling from Quantum Human DNA portals to Stellar Portal

  • Activation: ascending timelines, ascending soul contracts, activating new stellar soul walk-ins, crystalline light codes circulation & transmission

  • Truth Frequency Resonance & Truth Frequency Retuning with situations, people, places

  • Any of the items mentioned under personal level, stellar level, stellar activation & DNA activation, planetary & galactic level  

  • Closing - Same as opening


Everyone is different in terms of their sensitivity and areas of sensitivity and how they receive information. Honour your own sensitivity and use your discernment. Based on your intuition and sensitivity (whether it’s through bodily sensation, colour perception, visualisation, vision, inner knowing, etc), you will be able to guide and direct healing using toroidal energy and elements stated earlier. Remember, it is a connection between you and your clients, always welcome the other person to give feedback and share their experiences. 
Say for example, you have not identified any areas to work on. You can start with purifying the heart toroidal field or the entire toroidal field around the body to scan your clients. 
If you identify one area, you can 
•    Purifying, activating, circulating toroidal energy 
•    If you see any colours, you can add that to the area identified 
•    It depends on the sensation you feel/ perception you see. 
Say for example, ‘spikes’ sensation could be an implant, energy drain point, attachment, dark portal connection, etc. 
If you can sense it outside the body, it could be related to toroidal field infiltration, projections, false timeline attachment, entity attachment, energetic imprints 
•    If you sense/ feel/ see it more in the energy circuit, it could be related to contaminating of fluids, energy flow, halting of energy flow 
Useful phrases: 
•    anchor the energy of __ 
•    Purify (area of body/ field) with toroidal energy 
•    Activate/ resume the divine energy flow between __ and ___ 
•    You do not consent to __ (things that clients have experienced) anymore, retrieve lost soul fragments/ psychic lifeforce energy now
•    return to sender 
•    return to divine owner 
If you identify one area and other area(s) come up, you can 
•    Circulate toroidal energy between the two/ more areas with figure of 8 
•    Resume divine energy flow 
•    Release energy blocks 
Portal work 
Activate quantum DNA tunnel (Heart, pineal) to light portal/ stellar light origins – colours, shapes  
Ascend Timelines & Soul Contracts 
•    Release contract 
•    Release consent 
•    Dissolve outdated/ invalid timelines 
•    Egg element for manifestation of ascended timelines, ascended soul contracts 
•    Check if a timeline is still valid/ holds true – use ultra-violet shower


Practitioner course consists of 3 key sessions:

1.    Activation for practitioners

2.    First Practice Session for practitioners – where they will be guided

3.    Practice session for practitioners – where practitioners will lead a session


The cost of becoming a practitioner is £480, instalments are available and prices are negotiable under special circumstances. 


To view the entire info, click HERE


For more questions or to book for an appointment, please contact me HERE


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